quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2018
Lament of Innocence
Deixo aqui
o ultimo relato, farto e cansado escrevo... O caminho pelo deserto foi
iniciado, não há uma sombra que me puxe novamente para os elísios, há apenas o
sol calcinante e duro sobre os ombros, o manto rasgado levando a espada da
convicção de meu irmão e meu livro de verdades eu a passos lentos caminho com
sede, fome, solidão, desespero, agonia e sofrimento diante de um futuro incerto
onde talvez, talvez haja alguma esperança até que eu me deparei com um oásis,
um oásis coberto de verde e de harmonia, onde pude descansar por um período,
onde eu não mais fugiria e eu aceitaria aquele lugar como meu lar, mas o sol,
ah o sol, calcinou novamente sobre minha cabeça e de repente eu estava na beira
do meu próprio abismo profundo e vazio, aguardando para me jogar nele, ou que o
destino me empurrasse de forma gentil rumo ao infinito. Mas quando me dei
conta, eu percebi o mundo em que eu estava vivendo, contemplando a infinitude,
e comecei a pensar no que aconteceria, se eu cruzasse essa linha tênue, onde eu
poderia ser e fazer o eu quisesse da forma que eu quisesse, então...o abismo
começou a ser preenchido com meus pensamentos e se tornou tão pequeno que logo
aquilo não significava mais nada pra mim. Então neste dia, eu me abdiquei da
humanidade que ainda restava em mim, não de ser cruel, mas de não fazer mais
parte desse universo, não porque ele é complicado, e sim por ele ser infinito,
e sendo infinito, eu poderia caminhar e desfrutar dele, pois não há nada que
pode impedir isso, em nenhum momento.Pensei no
meu futuro, e vi as coisas boas que eu poderia fazer, família, sucesso e
amigos... todos os desejos mais puros, porém, logo depois eu pensei que isso
tudo não possuía sentido algum, para alguém que já não se importa. O mundo se
tornou tão pequeno, e o que preenche ele...se tornou mais ainda. Mas eu não me
esqueci do que sou e do que sou feito e os meus limites, por isso em breves
momentos eu me encaixo nesse universo e consigo sentir coisas boas e ruins,
pois infelizmente eu necessito, assim como todo o ser humano. Mas minha mente e
espírito não fazem mais parte daqui. Depois deste dia o mundo é apenas o mundo,
e eu apenas faço parte dele. Não quero família, sucesso ou amigos, pois pra mim
nada mais possui um nome ou conceito, tudo é apenas um universo, e eu apenas
contemplo e me desfruto do mesmo, não seguir mais padrões ou fazer parte deles.
Eu apenas me sinto bem em pensar que tudo é infinito, em suas complexidades ou
simplificações. Eu ainda sou jovem, e vou poder desbravar muitos outros
universos, mas no momento...quero apenas caminhar em meio ao cosmos e aceita-lo.
segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2018
Fnck3d out
I was dreaming about us, things that i want to tell you...
I was alone, I was really alone, not even a single soul to help me out of this cage of suffering and despair that was living in that apartament without you...
You were in the same situation of my brother, the same way that he died! how do you supose that i could handle this? look, im a human, i can fail, i was unfaithful and gues what? i regret myself every single day... really, im sorry to make you thing that you were insane, but at my point of view, there is a way to to forgive-me?, you're my man, i was thinking every second what was more important to me, and you man, you every time came at the first place.
I finally told my parents that in some way im gay, that i can live with a guy and have a family, someone to take care of me and take care off of someone too, i cant imagine my future without a man like you, with ambitions, dreams, and the magic way that you smile when we're singin disney songs... you have asked me for a time, a time to recognize yourself, i really trying to respect this, i think that is the better way, your way...
But my man, i give myself a hundred percent for us, on my way, and this time i can give to you everything, a sweet home, a boyfriend, a fiance, a man, i husband, a friend, one best friend, company to shop, to movies, series, deeper conversations and everysingle thing, not because i thought about how it's alone without you, but because i cant imagine how is live without you rightnow, i love the person that i became because of you, you meet me without cellphone and hopeless, look what you made of me, of us, the thing that i cant understand is why in this moment when we have everything you want go out of scene.
I know that you're tired of so many tries, but you really can't see yourself doing everything again?
when we're sleeping together, when you have a nightmare, when you need to cry, when you need someone to just listen you in english because this is the better way that you can express yourself so easy and confident...
I don't even imagine this, you are a fucking especial man, you're awesome, i love your eyes, your way to cook to me, our couple jokes, and our sweet home when we're together and there's no one singlefear that can afraid us, because is us vs the world,
I will always say the same thing for you, i want to help you to pass for this fucking moment, i wanna hear you, hug you and let you cry your heart over mine, when we're laying on our bed at midnight only with our secrets in our little universe, i know that you will never read this, and you will never realize how much i love you even with all my fails.
I was alone, I was really alone, not even a single soul to help me out of this cage of suffering and despair that was living in that apartament without you...
You were in the same situation of my brother, the same way that he died! how do you supose that i could handle this? look, im a human, i can fail, i was unfaithful and gues what? i regret myself every single day... really, im sorry to make you thing that you were insane, but at my point of view, there is a way to to forgive-me?, you're my man, i was thinking every second what was more important to me, and you man, you every time came at the first place.
I finally told my parents that in some way im gay, that i can live with a guy and have a family, someone to take care of me and take care off of someone too, i cant imagine my future without a man like you, with ambitions, dreams, and the magic way that you smile when we're singin disney songs... you have asked me for a time, a time to recognize yourself, i really trying to respect this, i think that is the better way, your way...
But my man, i give myself a hundred percent for us, on my way, and this time i can give to you everything, a sweet home, a boyfriend, a fiance, a man, i husband, a friend, one best friend, company to shop, to movies, series, deeper conversations and everysingle thing, not because i thought about how it's alone without you, but because i cant imagine how is live without you rightnow, i love the person that i became because of you, you meet me without cellphone and hopeless, look what you made of me, of us, the thing that i cant understand is why in this moment when we have everything you want go out of scene.
I know that you're tired of so many tries, but you really can't see yourself doing everything again?
when we're sleeping together, when you have a nightmare, when you need to cry, when you need someone to just listen you in english because this is the better way that you can express yourself so easy and confident...
I don't even imagine this, you are a fucking especial man, you're awesome, i love your eyes, your way to cook to me, our couple jokes, and our sweet home when we're together and there's no one singlefear that can afraid us, because is us vs the world,
I will always say the same thing for you, i want to help you to pass for this fucking moment, i wanna hear you, hug you and let you cry your heart over mine, when we're laying on our bed at midnight only with our secrets in our little universe, i know that you will never read this, and you will never realize how much i love you even with all my fails.
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